Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Selected and introduced by David Stuart Davies

Wordsworth 2009


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タイトル The best of Sherlock Holmes
著者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Selected and introduced by David Stuart Davies  
出版者 Wordsworth
出版年 2009
ページ数 462 p.
大きさ 20 cm.
ISBN13桁 978-1-85326-748-2


タイトル 著者名 ページ
A scandal in Bohemia
The red-headed league
The five orange pipe
The man with the twisted lip
The blue carbuncle
The speckled band
The copper beeches
Silver blaze
The Musgrave Ritual
The Reigate squires
The Greek interpreter
The final problem
The empty house
The dancing men
The solitary cyclist
The priory school
Charles Augustus Milverton
The second stain
The devil's foot
The illustrious client