立正大学 2020.3 (The Rissho International Journal of Academic Research in Culture and Society)


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オーテピア高知図書館 3Fことばと国際交流 J/043/TH/ 1109499176 外国語   利用可


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オーテピア高知図書館 1 0 1


タイトル The Academic Canon of Arts,Humanities,and Sciences
叢書名 The Rissho International Journal of Academic Research in Culture and Society
出版者 立正大学
出版年 2020.3
ページ数 261p
大きさ 22cm
NDC分類(9版) 043
内容紹介 立正大学における研究を国内外に向けて発信する英文論考集。仏教学部、経済学部、社会福祉学部、地球環境学部など、立正大学を中心とした各学部教員による12編の論考を収録。
ISBN 4-582-47443-5


タイトル 著者名 ページ
1 Traces of Nichiren in Early Modern Kamakura / Eichi Terao
2 The Trends and Points of Issue Concerning“The Unification of Kindergarten and Nursery School Systems”after the 1990s in the Context of“Familism” / Kyoko Tanji
3 The Life and Thoughts of Kōzōin Nisshin:His Aspiration to Establish the Teachings of a School / Daiki Kanda
4 An Examination of the Complementary Currencies Past and Present / Yasushi Hayashi ; Tetsuya Utashiro
5 A Historical Sketch of the National Institute of Genetics in Japan / Hazime Mizoguchi
6 Lineage of Western Social Enterprise Theory and Japan's State of Introduction / Kentaro Kawamoto
7 Attention‐seeking Behavior Acquisition from Others' Speech in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders / Takatsugu Watanabe
8 Changes in the Remarks on Nanbyō(Intractable Diseases)in the National Diet / Miwa Sakai
9 Regional Arrangement of City Functions in Lugang Town,Changhua Prefecture,Taiwan / Hideo Matsui
10 Covariance Structure Analysis of GIS Use Motivation at the Kumagaya Uchiwa Festival / Shintaro Goto
11 Effect of Depressive Tendencies and Individual Differences in Imagery Ability on Imagery Experiences / Hanae Tamura
12 Trajectories of Mindfulness and Anger Rumination / Masaya Takebe ; Hiroshi Sato