retold from the original Arabic [by] N.J. Dawood engravings on wood from original designs by William

Puffin Books 1996 (Puffin classics)


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タイトル Aladdin and other tales from the Arabian nights
叢書名 Puffin classics
著者 retold from the original Arabic [by] N.J. Dawood , engravings on wood from original designs by William  
出版者 Puffin Books
出版年 1996
ページ数 201 p.
大きさ 20 cm.
NDC分類(9版) 929.763
ISBN 0-14-036782-9
ISBN13桁 978-0-14-036782-9


タイトル 著者名 ページ
Prologue:The Tale of King Shahriyar and His Brother, Shahzaman 1
The Fable of the Donkey, the Ox, and the Farmer 6
The Fisherman and the Jinnee 11
The Tale of King Yunan and Duban the Doctor 19
The Tale of the King and the Falcon 24
The Tale of the Enchantd King 39
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp 49
The Donkey 145
The Tale of Khalifah the Fisherman 148
The Dream 181
The Ebony Horse 184